Monday 13 October 2014

Weekly Recap

The writing week had high points and low points, but I recently manage to overcome my writers block and finish the simple goals I set out to do:

Continue Areios Brothers 3
• Continue to work with cover artist for NaNo novel and Cursed series (Decided what I wanted to design)

Last week also saw the release of Hotel Hell, my latest novella/short story from Mocha Memoirs Press. | | Mocha Memoirs | Barnes and Noble
Here's what I'm looking to finish this week:

Finish rough draft of Areios Brothers 3
Edit Areios Brothers 3
Edit all Cursed novels and send to editor
• Continue to work with cover artist for NaNo novel and Cursed series
• More prep and detail work for NaNo novel
In a couple weeks I'll be doing a post on the Mocha Memoirs blog revolving around dark fantasy, which I'm really excited about. Since November is coming up and I don't want to start a project without knowing I can finish it, I'll be focusing mainly on editing this week. Seeing as I'm going on vacation and will need stuff to do at the airport and on the plane, I don't think this will be a problem. Yes, I write on vacation, because no, I can't shut off the creative part of my brain. Not that I want to.

Anyway, it's Thanksgiving season here in Canada, which means three turkey dinners for me this week. And thinking of Thanksgiving, there's a piece of key lime pie sitting in the fridge calling my name. Hope everyone has a great long weekend, or simply a great week! :)


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