Monday 3 March 2014

Weekly Recap and Vacation Time

Well, I managed to get all my goals done for last week! I also completely finished my edit draft of Needfire. It's currently out for review, but if all goes according to plan, I'll be self-publishing it sometime in the summer. This is what I finished:

Cursed: Demon's Daughter chapter 5 edit and post
Hollow Hill chapter 6 & 7 edit and post, as well as other general edits
• Edit Shallow Water
• Edit through and extend Needfire and Eternity Blood
• Continue the story lines for the Areios Brothers

These next goals are going to be over a two week span since I'm going on vacation to Cuba tomorrow!

Cursed: Dark Divinity story line options
Elemental Army story line revise/edit/complete
• Begin story lines for two new series (Iron Angel, a dystopian sci-fi fantasy series with mutants and super-powered humans, and Abducted, my first alien/sci-fi series)
• Finish the story lines for the Areios Brothers
Read as many books as I can
Take lots of photos of beaches, sand, food, and drink
• Get a good tan!

Okay, okay, so those last goals don't have anything to do with writing, but this is a weekly goal post, right? So, do I think I can get through all those story lines? Frankly, no. But most of them? Yes. Out on the beach, there won't be anything to distract me. I want to say that I would actually do some writing but Iron Angel and Abducted have been two series that have been on my mind for a long time.

I'm one of those writers who likes to plan way ahead of time so when it comes down to writing, I can just start going. I won't have to worry about where the story will go because I'll have written it down in advance. That isn't to say that the plots won't change (Agents of Limbo and Elemental Army certainly have) but I'll know the direction to take.

A beach-side view of the Royalton Cayo Santa Maria. Can you think of a better place to write? Nope? Me either.
Things will be rushed when I get back from Cuba, but I'll post my progress and the goals I've accomplished. Planning without internet– now that will be a change. I know I'm going to have a lot of fun, and really look forward to doing everything on my list. I hope everyone stays warm (I know I will be :P) and has a great spring break!

Nos vemos más tarde!


1 comment:

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