Monday 30 December 2013

Weekly Recap (And I Hate Delays)

As I post this, I'm stuck at the Edmonton airport waiting for my flight to arrive. I've been at the airport since 2:50pm, and it's now 5:20. My flight won't be here for another hour, I say with naive hope. I suppose I can't really blame anyone since no one can control Mother Nature's psychosis and neurotic behavior. It's her fault that Edmonton is covered in snow. But at least it's giving me a lot of time to catch up on some of my work and goals, such as:

• Finalize chapter 3 of Cursed: Demon's Daughter and post
• Finalize chapters 2 & 3 of Hollow Hill and post
• Finish last anthologies and submit them before deadlines

Admittedly, these aren't totally done yet so I'm going to be keeping them up as this week's goals, but they're close. I have a couple final edits to do on Cursed: Demon's Daughter before I post the chapter tomorrow and the final anthology I'm working on right at this moment is nearly finished, so I'll cross all these off my list tomorrow.

Since it's a new week however, I'm going to add these to the list:

• Continue rough draft of the Cursed sequel, Dark Divinity
• Think more about what I want to do with the Areios Brothers series
• Finalize storyline for Agents of Limbo
• Find more publishers and agents to submit my novels to
• Work on my short story Needfire and prep it for (possible) ebook publication

In case you were wondering, Needfire was originally going to go to an anthology, but it was rejected and therefore I have the rights to publish it anyway as I see fit. Since it's just a short vampire virus story, I figured an ebook would be sufficient.

Well, it looks like there's some progress regarding my flight, so I should head over to my gate and check it out. Don't want to be stuck here overnight. Wouldn't that be funny, Mom and Dad?



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