Sunday, 5 July 2015

Sunday Snippet

It's that time of the week again! 8Sunday, where I feature 8-10 sentences from my current Work In Progress. I've completed the first draft of Smoke Sky, which was last week's snippet, and since that little bit of romance seemed to be popular (and a lot of the WeWriWa authors seem to be geared toward romance, I thought it would be fun to feature part of the first chapter of Obsidian Sky, the third and final novel in the Dark Sky trilogy, set to begin release in February.

Without giving too much away, in this scene, Sawyer is pushing his crew through a violent storm to look for his engineer, Claire, and needs to be talked down by his first mate...

“Do you think Claire would want us risking ourselves like this to find her?”
He was asking me a question that would hurt in more ways than one, because it was the only way I would listen. I knew the answer, of course. 
She would be furious. In fact, she would probably try to punch me again. I would probably welcome it, if that meant I would see her again. 
Not a warrior, but a fighter at her heart. That was my Claire.

I wasn't sure where this story would go when I started, and I've had to rework the plot, but it's been a lot of fun so far. I fell right back into the world, and can't wait to see what the end result will be, especially since I'll be writing in two POV's– Claire's and Sawyer's. Not sure how much I'll get done next week– the Real Job demanded overtime, so I lost my full writing day tomorrow– but I'm going to do what I can to get some great word counts and editing hours.

Be sure to check out the other amazing WeWriWa authors and leave some comments to show your support! Cheers!



  1. Well done excerpt, left me very concerned about what's happened to Claire!

    1. Thank you! Claire will have some very serious trouble coming her way, I'll tell you that much. ;)

  2. Aw, this sounds like a heart-wrenching situation. I love how he can guess how she would react, and loves her for it.

  3. Just realized I replied to you on my blog and you might not get it because of dueling platforms- so anyway, my book is only on Amazon right now, but let me know if you want a review copy. I can send you one in epub or whatever format you want. You can email me at

    1. Thank you! It might be a couple weeks until I get to it, but I'll email you soon! :)

  4. I really like this line: "Not a warrior, but a fighter at her heart." Good snippet! :-)
