Monday, 6 July 2015

Weekly Recap

A couple things surprised me last week. The first was that I was easily able to fall into back into my Dark Sky series, which I hadn't really looked at in a few months. I was very pleased to not only finish Smoke Sky's first draft with relative ease, I revamped the storyline for my current WiP, Obsidian Sky. Here's what else I got done:

• Complete Smoke Sky
Edit Smoke Sky (begun)

• Create and finalize Dark Sky map for reference 

As great as I feel about all that I've accomplished, this week will be a challenge. Thanks to serious under-staffing at the Real Job (if people aren't working 12hr days, they're working six days a week, like yours truly), I'll only have tomorrow to do intense writing, and even that will be a short day as I cram in errands and book tours for my upcoming trip to Europe. Still, here's what I'm hoping to do this week:

• Finish editing Smoke Sky
Continue Obsidian Sky
• Create and finalize Dark Sky map for reference 
• Set up giveaway #1 

That's right, I have giveaways to plan. I have paperback copies of Path of the Horseman, Demon's Daughter, and That Hoodoo, Voodoo, That You Do, which features my short story, Secret Suicide, all up for grabs. I haven't decided on the details of the contest, but I plan to provide them soon.

On Thursday, I'll be featuring horror author Eden Royce on my blog, a favor returned as she recently featured my post– The Things A Writer Can Learn In Six Months– on her site. She's helped me tremendously in the past, and I'm really excited to have her guest post. Aside from a few reviews and a few details– more requests for reviews and maybe some updates to the blog– not much will be going on. But all of it will be exciting! I can't wait to see how this week is rounded out!



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