Monday 12 January 2015

Weekly Recap

Most of last week was working on Crimson Sky and  Blood Moon 9, which has been getting a lot of attention thanks to Sunday Snippets and WeWriWa. Here's what I was able to complete last week:

• Continue/Complete Crimson Sky
• Plan storyline for next Blood Moon installment
• Create a yearly goal list per month
• Find open submissions for short stories

It's tough to prioritize when you have so much that you want to get done, but here's what I'm aiming to do this week:

• Complete and send in short stories with January deadline
• Edit Path of the Horseman and send in for secondary read-through
Blood Moon 9 edits and storyline plan for Blood Moon 10

I want to add more to this list (I have enough to keep me busy for the month) but I want to set realistic goals. The three short stories I'll be writing for the open submissions are all under 10K, so I should be able to get them done before the end of the month. Whether or not they'll be accepted is a different story, but there's no harm in trying!

Also, you can see I have a lot of editing to catch up on. Even more will be coming before I can start something new, though I am possibly taking part in a Bond novella series that's trying to come together through April Moon Books. They're always trying crazy new ideas there, so I'm hoping to be a part of what will be a kick-ass series. Updates can be found on the blog, as well as on Twitter and Facebook.

Well, I suppose it's time to work on this massive list I've made myself! Hope everyone has a great week!


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