Sunday 28 December 2014

Sunday Snippet

While I could post another WeWriWa snippet from my current work in progress, I thought it would be fun to offer up some sentences from my recently published short story, Bring Back The Hound, which is now available on Amazon in the Stomping Grounds anthology.


         White stone buildings were caved in and smashed to reveal their decimated insides. Rubble and blood covered the two narrow roads and the concrete median splitting them. Cars and trees were burning and tossed around the street. Thick, choking smoke curled up toward the dark night. The smell of death and blood was heavy and familiar to me. Screams filled the air as terrified humans charged down the street, trying to escape the city. The shredded corpses on the ground said nothing. Their souls had long since departed their bodies.


What kind of monster is hunting those poor humans? Well, if you follow my blog, you've probably already figured it out from my previous post, but for those who wish to be surprised, I can tell you that it's one of my all time favorite monsters, and may have something to do with the Greeks.

I'll be getting my author copy soon, but I can already tell that this latest April Moon Books anthology is going to be as much fun as AMOK! I love the stories complied by this publisher, and can't wait to try my hand at their next open submission.



  1. Great description! I can't wait to see this monster. Sounds like an awesome anthology. Very fun snippet.

  2. Excellent descriptive writing! I haven't read your previous post, so I'm definitely curious about what has the humans fleeing. Nicely done!

    Have a happy New Year. :-)

    1. Thanks, and I hope you have a great New Year as well! :)

  3. Extremely dramatic excerpt! Lots of vivid details for sure...

  4. Wow! Very grabbing 8! Very tense. You paint a great picture! Great 8!

  5. Great eight, wonderful visual. :)

  6. OMG that is bleak. Beautiful description of the devastated landscape. I could really picture it, well done!!
