Monday, 8 September 2014

Weekly Recap

The bad news: It snowed today. Yeah, snow comes with living in Canada, but I was hoping for nothing until late October, which is why I'm complaining now. The good news: I completed most of my goals!

• Continue Cursed: Damnation's Door
• Edit Blood Moon 6
Plan Blood Moon 7 
Edit Cursed: Demon's Daughter chapters 16 & 17 and post for review

With this cold snap hitting us for the next couple days, I'll be stuck inside wearing my housecoat, drinking hot chocolate, and doing the following:

Continue Cursed: Damnation's Door
Plan Blood Moon 7

In other exciting writing news, one of my short stories was accepted by the Way Too Fantasy webzine! This is a first for me, but just as awesome as any other acceptance. I wrote a story called Under The Spell, which was a twist on The Little Mermaid with a hint of steampunk and magic. I saw an Ariel steampunk cosplay and just couldn't resist. I'll post the link as soon as I have it.

Have a great week!


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