Sunday, 28 June 2015

Sunday Snippet

It's Sunday! Which means it's time for 8Sunday, that part of the week where I share 8-10 sentences of my current Work In Progress. I've returned to my second Dark Sky novella, Smoke Sky, and while I'm still going through some writers block with certain points, I've been soldiering through nonetheless. It's coming along, and there are some points that I'm just loving. Like this bit below, which takes place after main character Gemma is trying to regain her composure after a monster attack that almost killed her and her "friends," the people she's been hired to betray...

“Well, I’m still breathing,” I reminded. “So it could have been worse. What would you have done if I was sleeping?”
Nash considered this for a moment. Then he looked right into my eyes, right into my soul, and said, “Something to take away your nightmares.”
He almost broke me. My whole life, I had wanted someone to say something like that to me. To make me feel cared for. Even loved. Why did I have to hear it from the man I knew I was going to hurt? 

So there's obviously some context missing that I wasn't able to fill in without going into a long-winded explanation, but I'm really happy with the snippet. I kept thinking about it at my Real Job and wouldn't stop until I had it jotted down. Hope I pulled a few heartstrings!

Anyway, it's been a good week. I've gotten a lot of support from So I Read This Book Today, who gave Demon's Daughter a stellar review that makes me sound like a ruthless surgeon (and I am so not insulted by that), and was featured on a fellow author's blog where I did a guest post talking about what I've learned about writing so far this year.

You're probably getting sick of seeing this cover... Too bad!

So things are going good! I have the next two days off and while I have a couple plans, I definitely intend to get my word counts up to where they belong, shooting for at least 10K over the next two days. Hopefully that will take me to the end of Smoke Sky so I can move onto my next big project. More news on that soon! Be sure to check out the other fantastic WeWriWa authors and leave them some love, AKA comments!




  1. I like it! And... why do I feel that maybe we should hope Gemma violates her employment agreement?

  2. Wow, loved this excerpt! Really tugged my heartstrings that she's found this wonderful guy and yet she's supposed to cause him harm...quite the dilemma. Can't wait to read more!

    1. It's been a lot of fun, and I'm really liking the direction it's going right now as I'm writing. :)

  3. Oh no! Don't hurt him! Super hook-y snippet:)

  4. Such a sweet thing for him to say. Here's hoping she doesn't end up betraying him.

  5. [sigh] Isn't that the way it always goes? Terrific except, Amy!

  6. Nice place to leave us. And what a tough place for her to be. I think you accomplished the heart-string-pulling just fine. :-)

  7. Awe...poor guy. But...maybe there's a story there,a story to the contrary of what she thinks right now. ;-) Great 8!
