Sunday, 21 June 2015

Sunday Snippet

Now that I've decided to back off the short story submissions, I've managed to hold a steady writing streak. I'm hoping to finish my current WIP Blood Moon 14– in the next day or two. I'm about to start the final action scene, the beginning of which is down here for my 8Sunday snippet, as main character Helena watches her unlikely ally stand against three werewolf hunters intent on capturing him: 

Alec barked and lunged at the man with the knife. The man with the Taser rushed in to zap him. The wolf sensed him and twisted around, snapping his teeth. He forced Taser back, saving himself from being electrocuted, and from the woman who was poised to throw the heavy net over him.
            But he couldn’t avoid the knife that sliced into his flank. Alec’s leg buckled and he left out an angry yelp. He spun around and growled again. The hunters stepped back, waiting for their next chance. 

Despite putting the short stories aside in place of my own, independent work, it's been a busy week. I've spent most of it emailing bloggers and reviewers in hopes of getting more feedback and hopefully more interest in the books. While I've asked both of my novels to be reviewed, my focus has been Demon's Daughter. It's the first series I'll ever have published, and while I know I may not get a streak of five star reviews like Path of the Horseman has (at least Scott Sigler has given me advice), I want it to be acknowledged by at least some urban fantasy fans. Knowing me, I'll be posting every review I can find on Twitter and Facebook when I get them back.

Hope you enjoyed the snippet! Remember to check out the work of other talented authors of the WeWriWa site and leave them some comments! We want to hear back from you!



  1. Now that's some explosive action! And of course, you leave us hanging 😀

    1. Haha of course! What kind of teaser would it be if everything was resolved? ;)

  2. This is not good. He's outnumbered by smart, well-armed opponents. He needs a rescue!

    1. That he does. Things are only going to get worse for him, unless Helena decides to step in. But even then, she'll be an outnumbered human. Not the kindest situation I've ever put these characters in... *evil smile*

  3. Nice, short fast sentences to show action. He's holding his own against at least 3 maybe more demonstrates his strength. Found a typo, but we all do that. Nice 8.

    1. Thanks! This is the first draft, so I'll make sure to catch the typo when I do the next read-through. :)

  4. I like how the scene is choreographed--every movement makes sense and it's easy to 'see' the wolf wheeling around to face each of his enemies. Very well done! :)

    1. Thank you! I try to write it exactly as I see it in my minds eye, which can be a nice challenge sometimes. :D

  5. You must really like these characters... as in 'you only hurt the ones you love'. ;-)

    1. Oh, this is nothing. Love Alec and Helena and the BLOOD MOON characters as I do, they haven't suffered anywhere near as much as Constance in my CURSED series, or Avery in PATH OF THE HORSEMAN. I take a kind of sick pride in putting my characters in merciless situations, then seeing how they get out of them. Being an evil writer is so much fun. >:)

    2. But that's not evil. That's a writer's job. Our characters wouldn't love us as much as they do if we weren't pressing them to be greater than they were before.

  6. Great action writing! I'm worried for him! :-)

    1. Thank you! And don't worry about Alec... he might get a helping hand pretty soon. ;)
