Sunday, 14 June 2015

Sunday Snippet

Definitely a good writing week. I've gotten in a lot of new words for novellas, short stories, and random scenes for other series'. I've fully released my newest novel, Demon's Daughter, in paperback and ebook formats (more on that below). In addition to updating my novel page and creating a media kit/press release page for the blog, and sending out requests for this novel and Path of the Horseman, I've also been offered to do a guest post and have my books reviewed on two different blogs! Usually this only happens if I've worked with an author in an anthology, so for it to happen on its own accord is super exciting.

At the moment, I'm taking a break from my novella (got some writers block) and am working on a short story submission. The anthology is a disturbing horror collection, so I decided to go with a suspense filled story that came with the prompt: "You and your family are trapped under the floorboards with cannibals over your heads. It's been four days and you're running low on supplies. All you have left are 30 bags of potato chips."

Seemed like a good starting point, so here's how I opened the story...

            “They’re going to eat us, aren’t they?”
            I turned my head away from the floorboards over my head and looked at my baby sister. Molly waited for my answer, my lie, with eager blue eyes. I glanced past her to where my twin brother, Sean, was lying. The grim set of his jaw told me he didn’t want to tell Molly the truth. I grabbed my sister’s hand.
            “They won’t,” I whispered to her. “We just have to be careful.”

I'm having a lot of fun with this one, and am expecting it to be done by tomorrow. Now, onto the release info...

Demon's Daughter is now available in almost all electronic formats, which you can find a list of here. On the novel page, you can even find a sample of the opening chapter! Hopefully this will boost interest and maybe sales. I'm still hunting for review sites and working on the promotional stuff, which means I've been making a couple mistakes but learning on the way. It's been a long, busy week (hence why this post is so late), but I'm loving every second of it. Enjoy your Sunday, and remember to leave some love for all the other wonderful WeWriWa authors!




  1. Thirty days of potato chips.... That's almost a fate worse than hungry cannibals. The snippet read really well though.

    1. Thank you! I looked at all kinds of angles– the sounds that chips make when you eat them, that they would be the little Halloween bags instead of the larger ones, how long they would last between two twins and their baby sister. There were a lot of possibilities with this prompt that I couldn't ignore. Usually I go with supernatural stories, so it's been fun to be a realist for a change. ;)

  2. A reassuring lie won't change anything, so I guess it won't hurt. But they're in quite a pickle, for sure!

  3. Interesting story prompt and a very tense situation. Can't wait to see how you get your characters out of this! Glad to hear things are going so well....congratulations!

  4. What fun! I like that Molly's twin siblings are taking care of her during the turmoil :)

    1. That's what older siblings ought to do! Protect their younger ones, even if it's against cannibals. :)
