Thursday, 25 June 2015

Progress Report (With New Links, Guest Posts, And Reviews!)

Well, things have certainly been moving along! This week, not only did I complete and send in my entry for the Michael J. Sullivan Kickstarter contest, (my fingers are crossed so hard they might snap off), I also finished my next entry in the Blood Moon series and restarted the Dark Sky novella, Smoke Sky. It's been a little bit of a rough start, but I'm getting a handle on it. The goal is to have the novella completed by the end of the month. I'm nearing the halfway point, so we'll see how much I can get in before July starts.

And that's not all the news I have this week. A couple days ago, I was featured in a guest post on Eden Royce's blog, where I talked about my experiences in the past six months as an independent author– all that I've learned, trials and choices I've made, etc. As always, it was a great honor to be featured on a fellow female horror author's blog, and as soon as she's ready, she'll be here to do her own guest post. I'm very excited to have her.

I've also got news regarding some reviews. Cassandrareadsalot has been featuring both Path of the Horseman and Demon's Daughter on her Instagram page, The Bookish Crypt, most of her recent posts featuring Demon's Daughter. I should be hearing back in the next couple weeks, and am very excited to see what she has to say about my books.

While I'm waiting for her review, I found another one for Demon's Daughter that shocked me. Apparently I don't wield a pen. I wield a microscopic laser scalpel...

So I Read This Book Today, which has already given me an incredible review for Path of the Horseman, had some truly fantastic things to say about my latest novel and my writing in general. I know not everyone will share her viewpoint, but it's definitely given me some motivation and given me more confidence in my writing. Plus it kind of makes me sound like an evil scientist, which I love.

I've also been working on getting my novels into the independent markets, so I'm now on Booklikes, where you can find Path of the Horseman, Demon's Daughter, and Needfire. Running into a few speedbumps with other sites, but hopefully I'll get them squared away and find new links soon.

So that's it! Been a great week so far, and I'm hoping this streak will carry into the next month.



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