Sunday, 17 May 2015

Sunday Snippet

Since I finished Amber Sky earlier this week, I thought I would offer a snippet from my current WIP, Timber and Treachery. Kind of a cheesy title, but it fits the story. The story is for The Deep Dark Woods open submission, and I decided to go with a prompt that amused and intrigued me: A man sells his soul to two different demons, both of whom come to collect it at the same time. I've changed around my idea and the main characters abilities a couple times, but I'm happy with the scene I'm doing now, where main character Ronan has woken a Guardian in the mysterious Forest of Runes. Ever wonder if a mushroom-man-hybrid could be creepy? You tell me...

My heart raced as the mushroom-covered bark peeled off the wide stem of the tree. It took the shape of a stick man, a narrow, craggy body with long, gangly limbs. The moss and fractured bark could hardly be seen under the thick mushrooms draping its body like a mutated sash. A wide mushroom capped its head, but its three fingers were bare of any fungus. The thin tendrils hung off its hands like whips, and I knew they would be just as lethal.

It dropped free of its casing and drew to its full height. Two slits near the top cracked open, revealing

glowing, ice blue orbs. The eyes that I knew could see me, and were filled with hate.

It's been a fun story to do, something to pass the time while I wait for the next proofs of Path of the Horseman and Cursed: Demon's Daughter to come in. Next week is going to be busy with Real Life stuff, but I'm hoping to get as much done as I can in the coming days.

As a side note, don't forget that the contest for a FREE paperback copy of Avast, Ye Airships! is still going on! Just leave a comment here telling me about your favorite thing about steampunk. Winners will be chosen at random, but extra points will be given to those who leave a kind word about Path of the Horseman, even if you just say the cover is nice. Contest runs until May 28, but lots of spots are still open!

Remember to check out the other entries for WeWriWa's 8unday! All authors love getting feedback! Cheers!



  1. I presume it is a poisonous mushroom!

    1. I didn't think about that actually– my first idea was to have it look terrifying and hunt my main character to try so it could pummel him. But I haven't done revisions yet, so poison would be something to consider, thank you!

  2. Hmm, mushrooms exist to slowly devour matter and convert it into...well, more mushroom. And the coolest part about mushrooms is the part we see normally on the ground is usually the smallest part. So... yeah, I'd be pretty nervous here.

  3. Very nice details which ignite the senses! At least that's what it did to me. Great snippet!

  4. EW! I love mushrooms, but that dude seriously creeps me out. Great description!

    1. Haha thank you. I have a hard time looking at Portabello's now.

  5. Creepy, no question! Nightmare stuff...which means really good. Great snippet!

  6. Fabulous - but slightly creepy - description - could visualize it.

  7. Nature can be lovely or creepy... this tree-man doesn't seem friendly at all.
