Sunday, 10 May 2015

Sunday Snippet

While this week has been productive with editing the Dark Sky series, I feel like I've been working on Amber Sky for forever. It's been my chosen WIP for 8Sunday for the last three weeks. It's true that Real Life and other projects have been circling my mind (formatting Cursed: Demon's Daughter has been taking up a stupid amount of my time), but I'm hoping that next week I'll have a lot more projects crossed off my list. At least two. That being said, Amber Sky is nearing its end. I have a couple more chapters and its rough draft should will done at the end of the week. For now, enjoy this tidbit of Nash and his allies coming across trouble as they try to escape the ruthless pirate gang that is impatiently waiting to start a massive gang brawl that will leave one of the escapees dead...

Pulling away from the tunnel corner, I entered the Runts den. The bellowing crowd was beginning to sound angry.
I broke into a jog. Once we got out of this area, it would be a quick run to the main tunnels, then out of the underground, across the Barren, and into the ruins of the city.
It seemed so simple. Luck was on our side.
I should have known something would go wrong.
            We all but walked into the three big men with long barreled rifles when we were about to leave the den.

You can read the other snippets here and here, and don't forget to enter the Avast, Ye Airships! contest to win a FREE paperback copy of the anthology, featuring the short story that spawned the entire Dark Sky series, Lost Sky.

Remember to check out the other entries on the WeWriWa website and leave some love for the talented authors there!



  1. Long rifles will ruin anybody's day.

    1. That they do, as Nash is about to discover very, very soon. >:)

  2. He probably should have known if it seemed too easy, it was. Dramatic excerpt!

  3. Uh-uh. I sense trouble coming. lol Great excerpt

  4. Oh, so silly Nash.... If it seems easy, he should know better. :-)

    1. I definitely love being an evil writer. I like putting my characters in "easy" situations, when in reality I'm grinning and saying "Oh, if only you knew..."

  5. That's always when things go wrong! At least, having long rifles, they probably can't be shot at such a close distance.

    1. True, though long rifles would be painfully good makeshift battering rams >:)

  6. My mind is boggled by the number of projects you're working on at once. Great snippet!

    1. I'm one of those writers who's happiest when she's busiest. I get inspired in the most random, astronomical ways. Aside from my works in progress, I have 17 other ideas I want to get started. So the more I work/do/plan, the closer I get to crossing them off my list. :)
