Monday, 21 July 2014

Weekly Recap

It's been a mixed week filled with good days and bad busy days. Time's been flying by and I can barely keep up, but at least I'm getting things done. Here's what I finished last week:

• Look at how to self-publish on all the sites I want to sell Needfire and future work (for real this time)
• Complete Needfire edits
• Start Blood Moon 5
• Continue Cursed: Damnation's Door

I want to say that work won't stress me out this week, but that tastes like a lie. I'm hoping I can just let it go over my head so I can work on things that I really want to do, such as:

• Complete all Needfire edits and prep for release (copyright, ISBN, etc)
• Choose Needfire release date and finalize formatting
• Finish Blood Moon 5, edit, submit for review
• Continue Cursed: Damnation's Door

I think I can get a lot of this done no problem. I really do want to get back into Cursed, especially since I've received a decent amount of praise for Cursed: Demon's Daughter lately on Figment and Authonomy, which means that I'll need to decide what I want to do with the series once I've completed it, if it should be independently released or sent to a major publisher. That might not happen for a year or two, since I want to make sure it's completely consistent all the way through.

In other exciting news, I had another short story accepted! My story will be featured in Lincoln Crisler's dark ritual anthology, That Hoodoo, Voodoo, That You Do. Try saying that ten times fast. I wrote a pretty good short and was happy it was accepted, so I'll let you know more about that when I do. The release isn't going to be until October, hopefully.

So that's been this little writer's life recently! Hope everyone else has a great week!


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