Tuesday 1 October 2013

Monthly Goals: October

October is one of my favorite months. You'll be unsurprised to know that I love Halloween, but October also means pretty fall colors, leather jackets, vacations, and up here in Canada, Thanksgiving!

But October is also going to be a big month of organization for me, especially where the blog is concerned. I need a stricter schedule for it considering how crazy busy I am with work, writing, and the Challenges. I also want to post more about the progress of Cursed, so you'll be getting more insight onto how it's been going for me. And with that in mind...


• Edit and prepare the snippet of Chapter 1. It's currently finished, but I haven't had any time to read over it or send it out for review. I'll be doing that ASAP and it will be posted near the end of the month.
Finish the storyline of the series. I want to say that this won't be hard to do, since I've got the second story pretty well ironed out and am a fair ways through the third story, but I hit a bit of a roadblock so I'm backing off from it for a while.

Agents of Limbo

• Figure out my series storyline. I originally planned the series as being very, very, very long, but now I'm rethinking that since there are just so many other stories I want to do. I love Leon and Jace, never doubt that, but I have to sit down and make sure I'm going to lead them in the right direction. Think about what I want to accomplish with them.

Elemental Army

Work on background mythology. I know how the world works and what I want to accomplish, but I have to know how it all works and right now there are still a couple details that need to be filled in. Not worried about it, though. :)


Plan and plot my story for National Novel Writing Month. This is the big one, but with all my traveling time coming up in the next few weeks I should be able to get at least a general idea.
• Register for National Novel Writing Month. Easy peasy.
• Post more updates on Cursed and the process behind it, including photos.

Well... this list turned out to be a lot longer than I thought it would be, but when I'm flying around all over the place in a couple weeks I'll have time to concentrate on only that. I might even do some work during downtime at the hotel. I always wanted to order room service. ;) I'm heading out in a few days and there won't be any posts during that time, but I fully intend to work on my downtime.

I'm still looking for opinions on what to write for November, if I should make a story from a universe I've already created or come up with something new, so leave a comment! Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta kill the fly buzzing around my apartment and my head get back to work!


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